Speech Therapy
Jo Elliot is the speech therapist who works with the Vale Assessment Nursery. Jo has worked for the Worcestershire Speech and Language Therapy Team since January 2000.
When not at the Vale of Evesham nursery, Jo has an Early Years caseload supporting children with complex needs and their families within their home setting and nursery setting.
-observations of your child’s language, communication and social interaction skills
-informal assessment of your child’s communication skills where possible
-regular discussions with the teaching staff to advise on appropriate strategies and targets to support your child’s language and communication skills
We aim to work together. Supporting and developing children’s communication skills is a shared responsibility. The best way to support your child’s communication skills is by parents, carers, teaching staff and therapists working together. This means sharing information and practical ideas on how to help.
If your child attends nursery sessions at the Vale of Evesham, Speech and Language Therapy intervention is delivered through the classroom and curriculum.
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Speak to your child in the language you know best. It doesn’t have to be English.
Follow your child’s lead in play and help to engage them by copying their actions and/or vocalizations
Avoid asking ‘test’ questions alongside play, comment on your child’s play and interests
Speech and Language Therapy Service
Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust
Catshill Clinic
The Dock
B61 0NJ