School safeguarding statement
The Vale of Evesham School’s aim is to safeguard and promote our pupils’ welfare, safety, mental and physical health and well-being by creating an honest, open, caring and supportive environment and expects all staff, stakeholders, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment as a priority. The pupils’ welfare is of paramount importance and safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
Adults who work with children and young people with SEND should be aware of the additional needs children may have that could mean that they are more vulnerable to abuse and/or less able to speak out if something isn’t right.
Some children may be vulnerable because they:
- Have additional communication needs
- They do not understand that what is happening to them is abuse
- Need intimate care or are isolated from others
- Are dependent on adults for care
Together we have a responsibility to ensure:
- The welfare of the child remains paramount
- All children have the right to be protected from harm
- All safeguarding concerns will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately
- All staff, stakeholders, visitors and volunteers have a responsibility to report concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Lead or a member of the safeguarding team.
Safer Recruitment
We follow strict procedures, as outlined in Keeping Children Safe in Education – Part 4, to ensure everyone who works with our children is subject to the correct checks, keeping our children and young people as safe as possible.
Staff training
Staff are trained annually and refreshed throughout the year in safeguarding and child protection issues and are aware of procedures to follow and are able to implement the safeguarding children policy. Policies are in line with current guidance.
Staff are able to respond appropriately to any:
- Significant changes in children’s behaviour
- Deterioration in general well-being
- Unexplained bruising or marks
- Indicators of abuse, neglect or exploitation
- Comments children or young people make which may give cause for concern.
Where safeguarding concerns arise, we endeavour to work in partnership and will discuss these concerns unless to do so would increase any risk of harm.
If you have any safeguarding concerns, please share these with the Designated Safeguarding Lead or another member of the safeguarding team using the contact information as listed below.
Name | Role | Telephone | |
Xanthe Mullinger | Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) | | 01386 443367 |
Brian Thomas | Deputy DSL | | |
Laura Wainwright | Deputy DSL | | |
Sharan Brain | Deputy DSL | | 01386 443367 |
Michelle Young | Deputy DSL | | |
Jackie Summerfield-Constable | Safeguarding Governor | | 01386 443367 |