Complex Sensory
Complex Curriculum Sensory
Complex curriculum overview Sensory
Joanna Grace described pre-formal learners as ‘’sensory beings’’. Successful teaching and learning experiences for our learners needs to be multisensory. Pupils need access to a wide range of sensory stimuli that are presented in motivating, accessible ways. There is a careful balance between providing new and exciting experiences and allowing pupils to become familiar with sensory inputs so that they can learn from them.
Many of the pupils on the complex curriculum pathway will have specific sensory needs. These may be impairments that need to be supported such as visual impairment, hearing impairment or multisensory impairment or sensory diet needs that have to be addressed so that the pupils are able to optimise learning.
Implementation –A rich sensory environment.
Classrooms provide a reactive sensory environment for learning and include
Visual stimulus – displays, mobiles, lights, process art, sensory room
Auditory stimulus – varied music to listen to, music sessions based on the ounds of intent framework
Tactile stimulus – massage, dance massage, food and cooking, process art, messy work, position boards,
Stimulus of taste and smell – use of smell cues, massage, food and cooking, messy work
Vestibular/ proprioceptual stimulus – PD activities, rebound, dance,aquatics, sensory gym, sensory diet
Learning outside the classroom Daily opportunities to be outside, on the school grounds and in the wider community.
Weekly session co led by the forest school leader and the class teacher
To maximise engagement most activities presented to pupils will be multisensory in nature, for example
- Sensory stories
- Sensory drama
- Sensology
- Dance massage
Managing the sensory environment
Many pupils with CLDD can find managing busy environments challenging, this can result in difficulties in focussing on learning or dysregualtion. Therefore, we manage the sensory environment in classes for pupils with complex needs by considering
- Using a subdued colour pallette
- Minimising clutter
- A highly structured learning environment with visual cues
- Reorganising the space frequently throughout the day
- Playing quiet music to mask sounds pupils may find distressing
Sensory impairment
Some of our pupils who have sensory deficits have a cortical loss. We support these pupils to develop skills in looking and in listening by providing highly structured learning opportunities to help them learn to
- Fixate
- Track
- Accommodate
- Move attention between stimuli
- Look or listen to choose
Positive Looking and Sounds of intent provide clear frameworks to develop these learning opportunities.
Sensory diet
Many pupils on the complex curriculum pathway have significant difficulties in regulating their sensory needs. We acknowledge that in order to learn these pupils need to be able to regulate themselves by taking part in a diet of sensory activities. These sensory diet activities are woven into the pupils’ school day and are planned in conjunction with an OT.
Care Routines
Pre formal learners need a high level of support throughout the school day to manage their care needs. These care routines are not seen as sitting outside the curriculum, they provide valuable learning opportunities.
Curriculum coverage
Pupils with a sensory deficit will have a session each day around this need.
Planning for sensory diet needs will be integral to daily planning and reflected in STP.
All pupils will have 1 session of music each week, plus 2 additional sessions from
- Process Art
- messy work
- Food and cooking
- Outdoor learning
Sensory sessions have a process, not a product focus.
The impact of learning opportunities is assessed on an ongoing daily basis through careful staff observation. Learning is evidenced using video and photographs. Impact is evidenced using the Evidence for Learning online system. We acknowledge that high levels of engagement are essential to optimise progress and use the engagement model to allow us to modify experiences and approaches for our pupils to support them in maximising their engagement. We expect at least 1 observation each week for each pupil using the engagement model and use the approach as a basis for our moderation process.
We work collaboratively with parents and other professionals including VI, HI and MSI teachers and OTs to set long-term targets as part of pupil EHCP reviews. If pupils’ have a sensory loss or significant sensory diet needs they have an EHCP target and an individual plan for learning in this area. These long term targets are broken down into termly Individual learning intentions (ILIS). Learning intentions for pupils who do not have EHCP targets in this area are planned using the Engagement Profile and VOE complex curriculum skills planners.