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Nursery Curriculum


What will my child learn at your nursery, how will I know they are learning?

We follow the EYFS and children will have access to learning activities and experiences across the curriculum.   

You can read all about the EY Curriculum here

We aim to share our termly topic focus with you as parents so you know what theme the children are doing that term.   

We use Early Support to track progress and assess children.  If children are making progress with this, we may use ‘Birth to 5 Matters’ document.  When children first start at the Nursery there is a period of time where we get to know your child and do our baseline assessments.  From then on, we will always share with you your child’s next steps in learning.  These are individual targets that we are working on in the Nursery with your child and we hope you’ll be able to use this information at home too! 


We use Tapestry to share all the ‘wow moments’ we see in Nursery.  If you would like to join Tapestry we will sign you up with your email address so you can log in on the website or through their app and you’ll have access to your child’s learning journey.  From there you’ll be able to see all the fun they have at Nursery and what they are learning when they are with us.  We find parents really love using Tapestry and often send us comments about what their child has achieved! 


