Data Protection
The Central Learning Partnership Trust is required to ensure that all personal data collected about staff, students, parents, governors, visitors and other individuals, is collected, stored and processed in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018).
The aim of this law is to ensure all personal data is protected and organisations who work with such data are held accountable for its protection.
How We Use Your Information
The Data Protection Act requires organisations that are responsible for using people’s information to make sure it is clear why we need your information and how it is used. Central Learning Partnership Trust is committed to the highest standards of information security, privacy and transparency.
To help explain how your information is used we have published a Privacy Notice, which you can read here. This Privacy Notice is in the process of being reviewed and an updated version will be published shortly.
Data Protection Officer
We have appointed a Data Protection Officer from Services 4 Schools Ltd to support with matters relating to Data Protection and the use of your personal information.
Our Data Protection Officer is registered with the Information Commissioners Officer (ICO).
Our Data Protection Officer is James Plant and can be contacted using the information on the right.