Welcome to the Vale of Evesham School Nursery Assessment Class. We are a Nursery class for children with a wide range additional needs.
Children are referred to us by the Pre School Forum if it is felt they would benefit from some more intensive specialist support. We also assess their needs in preparation for their entry to school.
The assessment place is a temporary place and can vary in length of time from a term to the time a child enters reception. In the Nursery class we have a high ratio of adults to children, our staff are very experienced and specialise in supporting children with additional needs. We also work closely with a range of professionals including speech and language therapists. Like all Nurseries we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage, we value play and our classroom is set up to follow the children’s interests and levels of development, and to keep them safe and optimise their learning.
We have an outside area with many opportunities for learning outside as this is where many children learn best. We balance the child led learning with some focussed adult led learning, this is differentiated to the meet the different needs of the children. We have a clear routine throughout the day and a high level of structure to support the learning. We are able to make the learning targeted to meet the needs of the individual. All of the children have ‘next step’ targets that are shared with families, other professionals and other settings. Ideally the children will also attend a mainstream Nursery as well as us. We liaise with the mainstream setting regulalry.
We have a member of our Nursery staff whose role it is to visit and support the mainstream settings that have children on a split place make sure the learning is joined up in both settings. We also would meet regularly with parents and ‘the team around the child’. I look forward to welcoming you to the Vale of Evesham Nursery
Kelly Pearce
Nursery Teacher
(insert video kp 4 welcome.mp4)