Key Stage 2
In Key stage 2 children access a wide range of learning opportunities. The curriculum covers literacy and communication, numeracy, science and technology physical education, Thrive/ PSHE, understanding the world and creativity.
The Vale of Evesham First School Curriculum addresses the key themes and topics of the National Curriculum 2014 and encompasses the high level of differentiation needed to meet the wide range of learning needs of the children. Pupil progress is regularly assessed, for many of the children this assessment is against Vale of Evesham P scales. Each child has individualised learning targets set termly. Some pupils with social communication difficulties or an autism diagnosis access our ARC centre for regular sessions throughout the week. The centre uses the T.E.A.C.C.H approach of highly structured learning and focuses on developing interaction and communication skills. The T.E.A.C.C.H approach is used for some children in the classroom to allow them to focus on their learning and to develop the essential skills of working independently. Some children in Key Stage 2 have a range of needs best met by a more highly specialised curriculum. The needs of these pupils are met by the Vale of Evesham PMLD curriculum. Timetables are set by class teachers to best meet the needs of the group. Some pupils have such highly individualised needs that they have individual timetables. Many pupils have significant sensory processing needs that are addressed using a sensory diet that is integral to the curriculum at key stage 2. In addition some children access targeted intervention sessions.
Communication is central to learning and teaching across the curriculum. Staff plan opportunities for interaction, including intensive interaction. We support receptive and expressive language skills using a total communication approach incorporating, speech, sign, objects and visual cues. Strategies to support individual children are planned in conjunction with speech and language therapists and include PECS (picture exchange communication) TASSeLS (on body signing and intensive interaction. In addition to intrinsic communication work pupils have 2 communication groups each week that focus on developing social, expressive and receptive skills.
The children have daily individual reading sessions that develop early narrative skills, book knowledge and a wide range of decoding skills including understanding of objects, photographs and symbols, phonic knowledge and whole word recognition. There are regular Letters and Sounds lessons to support individual work on reading and daily, multi-sensory, story sessions. Children develop their handwriting using a multi-sensory approach with a strong emphasis on developing underpinning gross motor and fine motor skills. They develop understanding of sentence construction using a Talk for Writing approach.
Numeracy is taught at least 3 times each week. The children cover a number and a shape space and measure/ problem solving topic each half term. Learning is supported using a range of practical resources such as numicon to help the children to see and understand concepts visually. Learning is generalised through wide range of active learning opportunities that include messy play, construction, IT and cause and effect play.
Pupils have 1 hour of science learning each week using practical resources and a multi-sensory approach. Pupils are encouraged to investigate and explore and develop an understanding of the scientific method.
Physical Education
Pupils are encouraged to be as physically active as possible. Staff plan a wide range of physical activities to develop gross and fine motor skills and to foster independence and cooperation. The children have a weekly swimming session for 6-8 weeks in 3 blocks across the year. They access forest school weekly. The children have PE once or twice each week. Some pupils have significant physical difficulties. They have a positioning and movement programme, planned in conjunction with the physiotherapist. They may also have some tailored movement activities as part of their individual timetable.
The development of PSHE skills is intrinsic to the curriculum. Children are encouraged to develop self help skills, build relationships with their peers and with staff and gain an understanding of themselves as individuals. The school adopts a Thrive approach to emotional literacy. There are 2 lessons each week for open ended child led activities and the teaching of other aspects of the PSHE curriculum such as SMC, SRE, healthy lifestyles and fundamental British values. A weekly circle time provides opportunities to develop self awareness, turn taking and group identity.
We plan the use of ICT to balance the need for children to develop functional skills and means of curriculum access whilst managing the amount of ‘screen time’ they have as part of their school day. ICT is not taught as a separate subject but is used as a tool to access learning across the curriculum. Teachers in KS2 plan an ICT focus in 2 curriculum areas each term to ensure breadth and balance of coverage
Creativity and Technology
Children in Key stage 2 are given regular opportunities to explore the world around them in a multi-sensory way. For some children this includes regular opportunities for messy play. The timetable includes weekly art and design technology lessons and weekly music lessons.
Understanding the world
At Key Stage 2 understanding of the wider world is fostered by topic days that allow the children to explore history, geography and RE themes. Topic days are planned each half term. The children finish each day with a reflection time.