Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA)
Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA)
The LPPA is a recognised award that provides a challenging framework within which schools can strengthen their partnerships with parents and carers.
In May 2022, Vale of Evesham School successfully achieved the LPPA. This is for a period of 3 years. This is a fantastic achievement for the school community – well done to all pupils, staff and parents for their hard work and support. A special thank you to Amy Bresnen for co-ordinating the evidence and producing the portfolio which “was outstanding, very thorough, accessible, and well presented, with all KPI’s met.”
The Verification Report commends the Vale of Evesham School for being “a vibrant and welcoming special school where they aim to provide a caring, safe and happy environment for everyone, and they strongly believe in working in partnership with parents.”
In order to achieve the award, the school had to meet the following objectives:
- The school demonstrates a commitment to work towards the Leading Parent Partnership Award.
- The school makes and implements effective plans to achieve and maintain the Leading Parent Partnership Award.
- The school is a welcoming and friendly place for parents.
- The school promotes an awareness of and participation in lifelong learning opportunities available in school and in the community to all groups of parents.
- The school holds and actively promotes enrichment opportunities or events for joint parent/child participation.
- The school provides good induction for all new parents.
- The school provides parents with relevant and user-friendly guidance and information to help them support their children’s learning.
- The school produces and implements parent-friendly policies to establish effective home school links and improve pupil/student attendance, punctuality, behaviour and progress and positive participation in school.
- The school provides good support for transition for parents when their children leave the school.
- The school evaluates performance against the Leading Parent Partnership Award.
During the assessment, the following strengths were identified:
- The school team are very approachable, sensitive to parents / carers needs and extremely caring and helpful.
- The views of parents have been ‘overwhelmingly’ positive.
- The school has strong links with, and is an integral part of, the local community.
- Parents are provided with comprehensive information about their own children’s learning and wellbeing.
- Parent and pupil voice is well developed and effective in contributing to school development.
- The school is committed to offering a wide range of training opportunities for parents and carers, such as parent support groups, reading and phonics training, stay and play, time to talk etc. Following these workshops and meetings, the parents are more confident in supporting their children.
Please click here to read the full report
Vale Of Evesham School FV report 13.05.22
LPPA – Vale of Evesham School Certificate
Please contact Amy Bresnen (LPPA Co-ordinator) on 01386 443367 or
amy.bresnen@valeofeveshamschool.org if you have any questions or would like some more information.