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Sixth Form

At Vale of Evesham 6th Form we aim to support all of our young people into adulthood, our post-16 focus is to prepare learners to confidently take their next steps after school in whatever setting that may be. Our Post 16 curriculum supports transition through a timetable based both within school and in the local community. Our curriculum is designed to support the Preparing for Adulthood Goals. Formal pupils will be accredited using NOCN Passport to Qualifications which embed all elements of Maths and English and follow the Vale PSHE curriculum. Semi Formal Pupils will be accredited using the My Independence Asdan- realising aspirations program and follow the whole school long term plans for Literacy, PSHE and Thinking Skills/ Numeracy.

A ‘real-life’ approach to learning is taken with opportunities in the following areas: independent living skills, community leisure activities, functional skills, vocational learning at our on- site café and our horticulture area. We also offer Duke of Edinburgh Award for pupils interested in this qualification, alongside volunteering opportunities at Heart of England Forest. Creativity and Sport are also offered as an option within Sixth Form.

Engagement with further education, employers, training and social provision supports young people in making informed decisions about their future. Careers and next steps advice is provided by our Sendias advisor Kelly Hill.

Where possible pupils are given an element of choice within the Sixth Form provision, to allow us to have a pupil centred approach. Giving them ownership of their education.

Semi-formal Accreditation learner pathway for ASDAN My Independence

Literacy LTP

Semi-formal pupils follow Vale of Evesham Thinking Skills and Numeracy/ PSHE LTP (see separate semi-formal LTP).

In the Sixth Form Formal pathway, Maths and Writing and Communication skills are taught and developed through our Preparation for Adulthood (PFA) program, Enterprise, Cafe 6 and our NOCN Using Employability Skills Qualification. Reading is taught across the curriculum as part of NOCN and PFA and through Read Write Inc Fresh Start and VIPERS programs. This curriculum has been designed to support learners Personal Progression Plans (PPP). For those who meet the requirements for higher level qualifications, opportunities will be provided as part of their PPP to help achieve these goals.

Preparation For Adulthood

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice describes preparing for adulthood as preparing for:

Education, Training and/or Employment- Courses learners might like to study and where, what type of work they might want to do, either paid or volunteering and about how to get a job

Participating in Society- Having friends and supportive relationships and being part of the local community, also things to do in your spare time and keeping safe

Being as Healthy as Possible in Adult Life- Who and what is there to help you stay healthy.

Independent Living- Living as independently as you’re able, doesn’t mean living on your own.

Additional activities e.g. college visits, workplace encounters, community outreach, small group activities will occur across the curriculum to support learners in their PPP.


In KS5 Formal, PSHE is taught for 1 hour a week, following the Vale PSHE Long Term Plan.

Enrichment, Physical Skills and Community

As part of our curriculum, KS5 learners have the opportunity to engage with the Duke of Edinburgh Award- partaking in volunteering, physical activity, map reading, skills development and camping. This also includes local walks, community visits and making use of the local Leisure Centre for Gym or Swim sessions.

In addition, we also have weekly enrichment sessions, where learners can choose to explore Arts, Gym, Board Games and Horticulture opportunities. Our Horticulture space is accessible all through the year, with a greenhouse, raised beds, a wildflower garden and an additional space on the Cafe patio. Learners maintain the space, learn about planting, propagation and cultivation for flowering plants, herbs and vegetables and make use of any surplus plants for cafe ingredients and enterprise stock.

Across the year, KS5 learners will have the opportunity to engage in the local community, building confidence in utlising local resources such as the library, volunteering at events, shops and public transport facilities. This includes the planning and running of Coffee Mornings, supporting sports festivals and fundraising events. Learners can also support the KS1-4 pupils through supporting lunchtime clubs such as dance, choir, music, football, multi-sports and developing play skills.

Accreditation NOCN in Using Employability Skills (1 year= Award 2 years= Certificate)


Gatsby Benchmarks