Reading/Story Enrichment Sessions
“At the Vale of Evesham School, we aim to promote a love for reading and sharing stories for all of our pupils. All pupils will access at least one enrichment morning/afternoon each term. The purpose of these sessions is to celebrate stories, books, poems and authors with their peers beyond their class groups but within their curriculum strand.
Throughout the year there are also nationally recognised days that include a celebration of stories and books such as ‘World Book Day’ and ‘Black History Month’; these are also celebrated in addition to our timetabled enrichment sessions. Please see below, the information regarding these enrichment sessions. Photos and videos of our reading enrichment sessions will be added to this part of the website over the course of the year.”
Please take a look at our ‘stories through the arts’ day we had during spring term 2023. We welcomed Toscana strings who performed ‘Monkey Puzzle’ and ‘Peter and the Wolf’. Pupils were captivated by the live music and ballet.
Autumn Term:
– Scholastics book fair 29th October – visit our coffee morning and purchase a range of beautiful books.
– Black history month – pupils will explore a range of books, biographies and poems to celebrate black history month.
Spring Term:
– Parents and carers invited into classrooms for phonics and story sharing; dates to be confirmed.
– World book day – Thursday 7th March
Summer Term:
– Friday 3rd May Toscana Stings – music through the arts. String quintet and ballet dancer to perform The Wind and the Willows.
Autumn Term
October – Black History Month – all classes will have a reading enrichment morning celebrating stories, biographies or poems written by black authors. Classes will engage in multisensory activities inspired by picture books such as Ruby’s Worry, Look Up and biographies using Little People Big Dreams collections.
November – Evesham Library Exhibition – some pupils across the school have created art work inspired by the title ‘My Favourite Book’. This work will be exhibited from November 2022, please take a look.
Spring Term
Thursday 2nd March – World Book Day – Pupils and staff will be invited to dress up as their favourite book characters, they will enjoy your favourite book with friends and staff. All pupils will participate in an assembly to engage in active re-telling of a story…and show off their fantastic costumes! We encourage any family members to send in videos or voice recordings of them reading, especially if you speak an additional language.
Friday 30th March – Toscana Strings concert; Stories set to music – We have musicians (string quintet) and a ballet dancer coming to perform ‘Monkey Puzzle’ and ‘Peter and the wolf’ for each department. Please visit their website for more information
Summer Term
Parents and carers to be invited in to enjoy a story sharing session with story themed play. Opportunities for families to observe and discuss phonics with class teachers. Dates to be communicated via dojo by class teams.
Autumn Term
3rd November: Super Heros; virtual and live stories being shared about super heroes. Pupils to engage in role play, dress up and share views on the stories shared. Assembly groups: Early years, KS1 and LK2, UKS2 and 3, KS4 and sixth form.
3rd December: Live zoom with Nick Sharratt
Spring Term
Date TBC: Celebrating stories from around the world. Classes to vote on a story they would like to share as a class prior to live assembly to share art work and views around the books chosen with other semi-formal learners. Assembly groups: Early years, KS1 and LK2, UKS2 and 3, KS4 and sixth form.
3rd March: World Book Day
Summer Term:
Stories about Royality! Pupils will enjoy a story about royalty and engage in a range of exciting activities relating to their chosen text ahead of our school Jubilee celebrations.
Autumn Term:
– Scholastics book fair 29th October – visit our coffee morning and purchase a range of beautiful books.
– Black history month – pupils will explore a range of books, biographies and poems to celebrate black history month. They will extend their understanding by completing research about authors, inspirational individuals and significant events using news articles, interviews and further books.
Spring Term:
– Parents and carers invited into classrooms for phonics and pupil presentations about books they have read. Dates to be confirmed.
– World book day – Thursday 7th March
Summer Term:
– Friday 3rd May Toscana Stings – music through the arts. String quintet and ballet dancer to perform The Wind and the Willows.
Autumn Term
October – Black History Month – all classes will have a reading enrichment morning celebrating stories, biographies or poems written by black authors. Classes will explore literature created by black authors. They will have opportunities to listen to, read and perform work by these writers. We have pupils excited to read Mae Jamison’s biography and perform some of George The Poet’s poetry. As always, these reading enrichment sessions will go on to inspire some creative writing!
November – Evesham Library Exhibition – some pupils across the school have created artwork inspired by the title ‘My Favourite Book’. This work will be exhibited from November 2022, please take a look.
Spring Term
World Book Day – Thursday 2nd March; We look forward to inviting pupils to dress as their favourite book characters. They will have opportunities to listen to each other’s favourite books, present their chosen books to peers and promote their love for reading. They will engage in an assembly to show off their costumes and enjoy some active reciting of poetry by Michael Rosen. We encourage any family members to send in videos or voice recordings of them reading, especially if you speak an additional language.
Friday 30th March – Toscana Strings concert; Stories set to music – To promote a love for reading, we have musicians (string quintet) and a ballet dancer coming to perform ‘Monkey Puzzle’ and ‘Peter and the wolf’ for each department. Please visit their website for more information We are very excited to experience stories told in a different way.
Summer Term
Parents and carers invited into school; pupils to present what books they have enjoyed over the course of the year, see examples of phonics teaching and engage with reading with pupils. Dates to be communicated via dojo by class teams.
Autumn Term
October: Black History month – enjoy a range of poetry within classes.
5th November: Classes to vote which book to share written by David Walliams; present activities they completed along with book reviews to share as part Reading Enrichment morning with all formal learners.
12th November: Live zoom with Jacqueline Wilson.
Spring Term:
Date TBC: Celebrating stories from around the world. Classes to vote then present book reviews, artwork and drama inspired by the story they chose during the Reading Enriching morning to all formal learners.
3rd March: World Book Day
Summer Term:
Stories, poems or articles about Royality! Pupils will make choices about the texts they would like to share and will be inspired to produce art work, drama or creative writing relating to what they have read.
Autumn Term:
– Scholastics book fair 29th October – visit our coffee morning and purchase a range of beautiful books.
– Black history month – pupils will access a range of sensory stories and story massage. These will be combined with music, rhythms and story props.
Spring Term:
– Parents and carers invited into classrooms for story sharing. Date to be confirmed.
– World book day – Thursday 7th March
Summer Term:
– Friday 3rd May Toscana Stings – music through the arts. String quintet and ballet dancer to perform The Wind and the Willows.
Autumn Term
October – Black History Month – Pupils will celebrate Black History Month through a range of multisensory stories which will be accompanied by music, instruments and tactile resources. Pupils will enjoy sensory stories including ‘Granny came here on the Empire Windrush’.
Spring Term
Thursday 2nd March – World Book Day – pupils will be invited to dress up as their favourite character, enjoy multisensory stories and listen to their favourite books being read. We encourage any family members to send in videos or voice recordings of them reading, especially if you speak an additional language.
Friday 30th March – Toscana Strings concert; Stories set to music. We have musicians (string quintet) and a ballet dancer coming to perform ‘Monkey Puzzle’ and ‘Peter and the wolf’ for each department. Please visit their website for more information Pupils will engage in this multisensory experience and have opportunities to feel music being played through instruments.
Summer Term
Parents and carers to be invited in to participate and observe how multisensory stories are delivered in class. Dates to be communicated via dojo by class teams.
Autumn Term
October: Black History Month; sensory massage story
18th October: Harvest Sensory Story; to be enjoyed within class groups across the school for pre-formal leaners.
Spring Term:
Date TBC: Cultural multi-sensory story. ‘We are all different’ (EYFS) ‘Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain’ (KS1- KS2) and ‘Chinese New Year’ (KS3 onwards) – pre-formal learners to engage in a sensory story, groupings to be confirmed (via zoom if required).
3rd March: World Book Day
A sensory story about Royalty! Pupils will engage in sensory stories in preparation for our whole school Jubilee celebrations.