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School Uniform

We are proud of our school uniform, which is designed to be both practical and easily obtainable. We like to see all pupils in uniform each day, except when exemptions are given for school trips and on designated non-uniform days.

We strongly believe that the wearing of uniform boosts standards of behaviour and achievement and makes an important statement of compliance, commitment and loyalty to the school. Please support us. Uniforms with the school logo can be obtained from The School Shop in Evesham.


• Grey pinafore dress, skirt or trousers
• Sky blue polo shirt (with logo if not worn over a jumper)
• V-neck sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
• Summer Term – Blue and white gingham dress (optional)
• White socks with a summer dress or grey socks/tights with pinafore/skirt/trousers
• Black shoes


• Grey trousers/shorts
• Sky blue polo shirt (with logo if not worn over a jumper)
• V-neck navy sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
• Grey socks
• Black shoes


• Sky blue t-shirt with logo/ navy shorts
• Navy logo tracksuit top and plain navy joggers can be worn for winter/outdoor lessons.
• Pumps for first school indoor PE
• Trainers for outdoor lessons/all other students

6th Form

Suitable clothing of their choice that is appropriate for a ’work’ oriented environment.


Trunks/one-piece swimming costume and towel

School Uniform List