Key Stage 4 & 5
Upper school consists of three Key Stage 4 classes and three 6th form tutor groups in key stage 5 – in each key stage there is a tutor group or class for students who require a personalised or extremely specialised learning environment.
We currently have 29 students in Key Stage 4 and 32 students in Key Stage 5
In this part of the school we seek to equip our students with the knowledge, skills, understanding, resilience, confidence and qualifications to be successful in their life after school. We prepare our students to be outward-looking adults who expect to make a significant contribution to their communities and families. For many students this contribution will include working and volunteering. For all students this contribution will be through positive interaction with a range of other people.
At Key Stage 4 the students follow a programme designed to develop communication, literacy, numeracy, life-skills and study-skills. Student achievements are certificated at an appropriate level through Level 1 qualifications, Entry Levels, ASDAN Personal Progress qualifications, Transition Challenge and Sensory Transition Challenge.
The subjects studied include English, Maths, Science, IT, Food Technology, PE, Design and Technology, Forest School, PSHE, Junior Award Scheme (JASS), Citizenship and Careers Learning. Key Stage 4 students have an Options session where they can choose a topic or skill that they would like to develop further – the following options have been offered over the last year: sport, cycling, sensory art, pottery, textiles, Modern Foreign Language and Culture
At Key Stage 5 there is a change in emphasis to preparing for transition from school. Students continue to study and enhance English and Maths skills, completing and undertaking further accreditation as appropriate. Personalised learning and further accreditation is delivered through Forest School, Careers Learning, Enterprise + Careers, Independent Living Skills, Sport and Leisure, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Junior Award Scheme (JASS) and the Arts Award programme.
Key Stage 5 students attend a college link for either 1 or 2 days each week at Pershore College (part of Warwickshire College Group). The students study a workskills programme and many of them work towards accreditation at Entry Level in this.
Students in both Key Stages work closely with our Careers team to support their transition goals through careers work and work experience.
Accredited courses currently offered in Key Stage 4 and 5:
- ASDAN Personal Progress Qualification at Entry Level
- ASDAN Award or Certificate in Personal and Social Development
- ASDAN Transition Challenge
- ASDAN Sensory Transition Challenge
- OCNWMR Entry Level Certificate in English
- AQA Entry Level Certificate in Maths
- Edexcel Entry 1, 2 and 3 Certificate in Science (NSC0)
- OCNWMR Entry Level Award, Certificate and Diploma in Independent Living
- Trinity College Arts Award at Explore, Discover and Bronze levels
- IQ Functional Skills English
- IQ Functional Skills Maths
- Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at Bronze
- Junior Award Scheme for Schools (JASS)
Key impact indicators:
- Accreditation outcomes
- Destinations data
- Retention rates at college
- Success in programmes that reflect independence, resilience, planning skills and leadership skills (e.g. JASS, Duke of Edinburgh Award)
- Successful out of school placements (e.g. work-experience, volunteering placements, regular college link)
In 2018/19 we trialled an enhanced careers and work experience programme which sought to offer a high quality experience for the students who we had found difficult to place in previous years. This provided a successful base for future development. We also introduced the Junior Award Scheme for Schools from Year 9 upwards to promote resilience and practical approaches to learning.
In 2019/20 we are offering an extended college link driven by the desire to see better retention rates for our students when they become college students. We have expanded the scope and the resourcing of the Duke of Edinburgh Award so that it is accessible to more students. We have cultivated partnerships with local organisations so that the opportunities for volunteering and community involvement are increased.
To find out more about our provision and courses at Key Stage 4 and 5 please contact David Short.