Complex Cognition
Complex curriculum overview Cognition
The cognition curriculum supports learners with complex needs in making sense of the world around them, actively exploring a range of stimuli, and developing resilience.
More able learners may develop an awareness of quantity and an understanding of concepts.
At the Vale of Evesham school, we consider that all of our pupils can be independent learners if they are provided with appropriate learning opportunities.
All pupils following the complex curriculum pathway have an individual plan for learning for cognition which outlines the learning opportunities that they will access for a block of time, usually a term. Teaching supports the pupils to develop their skills in
- Keeping track of objects
- Changing focus
- Connecting actions to outcomes
- Developing actions in a physical environment
- Solving problems
- Developing skills around numbers and counting
- Understanding concepts
- Developing skills in organising materials – matching and sorting
Given the very different starting points in learning most of the learning takes place on a 1:1 basis.
Some pupils, particularly those who benefit from a highly structured approach, access learning using the TEACCH approach.
Some more able learners will learn as part of a small group on some occasions.
We embrace the philosophy of Lili Neilsen in seeing our pupils as active learners and provide them with a wide range of activities and equipment to explore independently. These activities include
- Activity frame
- Little room
- Resonance board
- Position board
IT provides our pupils with a range of motivating learning opportunities. The use of switches and other modalities such as Eye Gaze allows pupils to access a range of activities increasingly independently. We use the Vale of Evesham switch progression document to structure learning in this area.
Curriculum coverage
Pupils have at least 3 sessions each week that focus on cognition.
Age appropriateness
Pupils following the complex curriculum pathway will be functioning at an early stage of development throughout their time in school. As they mature careful consideration needs to be given to the materials used to stimulate them. The highest quality stimuli are multisensory so in many cases, real objects are more flexible than plastic toys. Wherever possible staff should select equipment that is respectful of the pupils’ chronological age.
Meaningful learning opportunities for pupils need to be motivating in themselves. To maximise this motivation staff need to use a playful practice approach (Margaret Corke). We consider playfulness to be both respectful and age-appropriate.
Prerequisite skills for maths
Some pupils will move on to the semi-formal curriculum pathway. Others who remain on the complex curriculum pathway will have a particular strength in one or more areas of cognition. Routes to numeracy provide links from the cognition curriculum into maths learning.
Care Routines
Pre formal learners need a high level of support throughout the school day to manage their care needs. These care routines are not seen as sitting outside the curriculum, they provide valuable learning opportunities for pupils to develop their cognitive skills.
The impact of learning opportunities is assessed on an ongoing daily basis through careful staff observation. Impact is evidenced using the Evidence for Learning online system. We use the engagement model to assess pupil engagement across the range of learning opportunities given to pupils following the complex curriculum pathway.
Progress in cognition is assessed termly using the Vale of Evesham Routes assessment tool. A small minority of pupils following the complex curriculum pathway who have numeracy as an area of strength may also be assessed using the Vale Assessment Framework (V levels).