Blossom House Admission Criteria
Admissions & Transitions
Blossom House provides up to 15 weekly boarding places, for pupils who attend the school. Priorities for the placement of the pupils in this provision are established after consultation with families, pupils, social care colleagues and the local authority.
1. Admission Criteria – Considerations
Prior to deciding the appropriate Pathway and at the point of referral of an individual for a residential placement within the Vale of Evesham School, consideration should be given to the following areas:
- School Placement: Only pupils who have an identified secure placement within the school will be considered for the residential provision. Referrals for pupils who need residential support but who will attend different schools will not be considered unless there is already an agreed transition period and start date for the school. The need for a residential placement will be identified with the EHCP (Education Health Care Plan) or agreed as part of a review.
- Age: In order that the provision operates effectively and that the emotional welfare of all the residents is considered. The minimum age for admission should be children within academic year 4 and pupils leave at the end of the academic year 13. Where possible, within house-groups, a maximum age difference of eight years should be considered with regards to vacancies.
- Prior Intervention: Consideration should be taken into what evidenced previous intervention and/or support has been given to families and/or the pupils who are being referred to the residential provision. This may include: any respite that the pupil has received within care provisions, any usage of direct payments in relation to the pupil having care outside of the family home. Consideration should be made as to how an individual may respond to a new four-night residential provision if they have not previously had any form of residential provision elsewhere.
- Number of boarding nights: Transitions into the residential provision could include a gradual build-up of the number of nights in residence. For example: a pupil may reside for one or more nights a week raising to four nights a week over a given time. Pupils will only generally be considered for residential boarding whereby a four-night week is the ultimate agreed outcome. Bedrooms are to be used for one pupil only and personalised as such (as stated in the NMS) therefore, for example two pupils sharing one bedroom on a two-night placement each, should not be considered.
- Impact on current residents: At the point of referral, consultation and the involvement of, the Head of Care and/or Headteacher, is imperative to ensure that the needs and welfare of the current pupils are considered prior to new pupils being admitted.
- 24-hour Curriculum: It should be identified that the pupil will benefit from a waking day curriculum across the school and care environment where a consistent approach is required in order to maximise educational outcomes and independent living skills. In addition, it may be identified that the pupil requires support with independent living skills and/or learning life skills using consistent educational approaches.
2. Admissions Criteria – Pathways for Residential Provision
A. Supporting the Achievement of Educational Outcomes:
As identified within Annual Reviews, there may be some reasons for considering a residential provision to support the achievements of educational outcomes through a waking day curriculum. Areas for concern would be raised either by the school, parent/carer or social worker (or a combination of these) and discussed within the Annual Review Process. Where a residential provision is likely to be discussed within the Annual Review, the Head of Care or Deputy Head of Care should attend the meeting. Triggers for using this pathway may include;
- The current care environment does not support learning and may trigger inappropriate behaviours which are then brought into the school environment.
- The pupil requires educational input in the area of life-skills and independence. This may be pertinent to a pupil nearing the end of their schooling and who requires additional support in order for their development into adulthood.
B. Home circumstances are difficult as evidenced through social care interventions:
As identified through previous interventions, the home/care environment is not satisfactory and the child’s needs cannot be met in the community. The pupil may already be identified as a CIN or has received early help. Areas for concern would be raised by the parent and/or the social worker and discussed within the Annual Review Process. Where a residential provision is likely to be discussed within the Annual Review, the Head of Care or Deputy Head of Care should attend the meeting. Triggers for using this pathway may include:
- Challenging behaviour within the home is at a point that the welfare of the pupil and/or their parents/legal guardians and/or their siblings and/or wider family is at a critical level and it is recognised that the situation would be considerably improved should the pupil have a residential provision whilst at school.
- The health needs of the pupil and/or their carers and/or their siblings require additional support and it is deemed beneficial for the pupil to have a residential provision to support this.
- Where the child has received considerable respite and home support but the home circumstances have not improved or where a 52-week residential package has already been suggested and/or discussed but deemed too considerable given family holidays and weekends at home.
- Where there has been a recent significant change in the home circumstances which has had a direct impact on the stability within the home/care environment.
3. Out of County Referrals
Out of county pupils may be admitted with the agreement of the SEND Service Manager depending on the availability, suitability of places ONLY if a place is available within the day school. The pupils’ own authority is responsible for all funding to the school and residential facility. The authorities’ admissions criteria and considerations listed in sections 1 and 2 apply to both in county and out of county pupils. In addition, consideration will be given to the distance in which transitional arrangements can be made and the cost of any transportation to and from the school. Further consideration will be made toward any possible effect on a pupil moving any considerable distance from their family home or care environment.
Transitions into Blossom House will be tailored to the individual and what best suits the child/young person. Discussions will be held with parents/carers to develop a transition plan best suited for the individual.
Transition Plan into Blossom House