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School Council

The School Council forms an especially important part of our student’s school life. Every class has a democratic voting system that allows all young people to be part of the School Council system.

The young people vote for a School Councillor and ECO Warrior to represent the people in their class each year. The class representatives meet and vote for a chairperson and two secretaries to form the School Council meetings.

The Eco Warriors and councillors bring their views, requests, and ideas to the meeting every half term. The meetings are chaired by the elected chairperson, and they are overseen by members of staff. Total Communication is used so all students can put their points of view across to the other members.

The minutes from the meetings are displayed for all the schools to see on the School Council notice board.

Areas for discussion can range from ECO environmental issues and ways we can make a difference to our planet, ways to raise funds for local and worldwide charities and positive changes to the school and surrounding community.

We have Head Students who support school events and help the School Council run fundraising schemes and welcome visitors into the school.

6th form joins Smart Schools Council to promote pupil voice and democracy.

This year, sixth form has joined the smart school council a program that helps schools promote pupil voice and democracy. Every two weeks meetings are held in class. The meetings are pupil-led and follow the supportive online resources from the Smart School Council.

The smart school council believe that every child’s voice should be involved and that pupils can learn a broad range of key skills as a result.

We wanted to make a difference in school and our community and the smart school’s format helps us with this.

At the meeting, we take part in a debate with other schools. The debates are often topical but can also be a fun topic. Our results are put online, and we then view how other schools have voted too. It has been amazing how every pupil has found something to say even those who usually find it difficult to put their point of view forward.

We are calling ourselves the 6th form action team because we want to act on our ideas and not just sit back and wait for others to make the difference.

Our first challenge is to set up Safe places again in Evesham. We are communicating with the Our way self-advocacy group who manage this in our area and plan to contact local businesses. We are also hoping to set up a simple news sheet for pupils every half term.

In school, we now have a notice board that shows the progress of our projects and photos of our successes.

Pupils are genuinely excited to meet, and the smart school’s format is supporting our pupils in their independence and learning.


Greg Sanderson Visits Vale Of Evesham

We Joined the Smart school council group a couple of years ago and it has been a great success. Greg Sanderson co-founder of the SSC visited us and was extremely impressed by how much our pupils were able to share their voice and demonstrate democracy . He filmed my views and also took a photo with the school logo in the background as seen below.